Transforming Takeaway Management: Enhancing Efficiency and Customer Experience through an Online Ordering System for Sydney's Takeaway Shops.

Online Takeaway Shops in Sydney


  • Abu Sayed Sikder University of Ballarat
  • Nicole Anae University of Ballarat


Online ordering systems, takeaway shops, Sydney, operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, challenges, mixed-methods approach, technology integration, future implications.


The integration of online ordering systems within Sydney's takeaway industry represents a significant transformation in the way takeaway shops operate and cater to customer needs. This research explores the profound impact of these systems on operational efficiency and customer experiences, aiming to address critical gaps in understanding the barriers to adoption, streamline operations, and enhance customer satisfaction. Sydney's diverse culinary landscape hosts an array of takeaway shops serving various cuisines. The introduction of online ordering systems has ushered in a new era, allowing customers to conveniently place orders from anywhere. Despite its potential advantages, some establishments exhibit hesitancy towards adopting these systems. This research aims to dissect the underlying reasons driving this reluctance, shedding light on financial constraints, technical limitations, and perceived lack of benefits as crucial barriers inhibiting widespread adoption among takeaway shops. Operational efficiency stands as a cornerstone for the success of takeaway businesses. While previous studies acknowledge the positive impact of online ordering systems on efficiency, they often lack detailed insights into specific operational facets. This study seeks to fill this void by meticulously examining the impact of these systems on order processing times, inventory management, and overall workflow enhancements within Sydney's takeaway industry. The objective is to provide a comprehensive understanding of how these systems optimize operational processes, enabling businesses to operate more effectively. Furthermore, customer experience remains a focal point of this research. Despite the convenience offered by online ordering systems, understanding customer satisfaction and loyalty concerning these platforms within Sydney's takeaway scene remains relatively unexplored. By analyzing customer preferences, ease of use, and satisfaction levels compared to traditional ordering methods, this study aims to unravel the factors influencing customer behavior. Insights gained from this analysis will contribute to a more holistic understanding of customer preferences and expectations, ultimately leading to strategies for improving customer satisfaction and loyalty. This research aims to bridge existing knowledge gaps and offer valuable insights into the multifaceted impacts of online ordering systems within Sydney's takeaway industry. It strives to inform takeaway shop owners, policymakers, and industry stakeholders, fostering informed decisions and strategies to navigate the evolving landscape of food service delivery.

